Saturday, July 7, 2012

Gardening and Cooking - It's a Learning Process

This morning, I ventured out to water my garden.  I was delighted to see new blossoms that had appeared overnight.  Amazing.  It was the perfect opportunity to harvest at least 10 blossoms for a trial run.

As I was picking, I was careful not to disturb the blossoms in which bees were pollinating.  I checked each blossom as I cut and harvested.  Upon bringing them inside, I took pictures and bagged.  While bagging the blossoms, a giant honey bee started flying around inside the bag.  Where the heck did it come from??

Lesson learned:  Wash and bag the blossoms outside.

There were 2 more little black and yellow squash bugs that crawled out while in the bag.  I graciously set one free... the other was not so lucky.

Jon and I were talking about future plans for our raised garden and things we would change to improve the process.  Since it's our first year gardening, there is much to learn!  If you missed the garden post, read it here - Glimpses into the Garden.

Next year, we will purchase some wooden barrels to place next to the garden.  In the barrels we plant the ever-growing squash and at least 2 tomato plants.  I have definitely over extended myself with 4 tomato plants this year.

In fact, if you have any good tomato canning tips or recipes... please feel free to send them to me.  Who knows, it could end up on Hint of Thyme.  Email contact:

Thanks so much for reading!  I look forward to sharing more about my squash blossom experience.

Take care readers.

Copyright 2012 Hint of Thyme.  All rights reserved.

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